In The Beginning God

Insufficiency of time:
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. John 1:1
I suppose it's important to have a beginning even though we believe that God is without beginning. It's nearly impossible for humans to free-associate a 'beginning-less' situation, though it's not so hard for us to think in terms of 'endless' one. This is because our animal nature takes nearly all things as permanent and therefore 'endless'.
Nothing lasts forever in this physical realm, all things pass away.
Still, we want to think that because Genesis tells us "In the beginning" that there was a beginning that was at a time to which we can count. We can comprehend it if we can assign a number to it. We can be comfortable with it if we can match it somehow to what we have learned or experienced. But it's not important that Moses wrote about the creation as a literal six day event. What is important is that Moses wrote about creation in the correct chronological order! If it took 60 bazillion years to accomplish through some sort of metamorphosis ... it's more compelling to me than if it occurred in six days while Moses was watching it.
"But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day." 2 Peter 3:8
While I don't agree with Darwin's theory, I do think some natural selection takes place. One race is no better than another is; but if natural selection didn't occur inter racial marriages would have been more prevalent and the races would have long since blended into one single color Similarly, one type of animal is no better than another. Some cellular structures are compatible and some are not. None of this excludes God's intervention in creation. On the contrary it speaks to an ever more complicated design.
For long centuries, God perfected the animal form which was to become the vehicle of humanity and the image of himself. The creature may have existed in this state for ages before it became man: it may even have been clever enough to make things which a modern archeologist would accept as proof of its humanity. But it was only and animal because all its physical and psychical were directed to purely material and natural ends. Then, in the fullness of time, God caused to descend on this organism, a kind of consciousness that could say "I" and "me", which could look on itself as an object, which knew God and could make judgments. But sooner or later they fell. Someone or something whispered they could become Gods ... they wanted some corner in the universe that they could say "This is ours not yours". But there is no such corner. C.S. Lewis
For example, most scientists believe that man began in Africa. There, around two hundred thousand years ago, (they claim) a type of Adam and Eve stumbled out of the jungle and began the race of human primates we call homo-sapiens. I'm sorry ... I don't believe that. If the animal that is man, the human-primate, had its start in a single place it was probably in what is now China. As the populations grew beyond the ability of the land to provide sustenance these human primates spread to Mesopotamia, the Americas, Africa, Australia, and other places nearly simultaneously. Human primates are herding animals. Logic dictates that they must have originated where the largest populations of them exist. The rest of the human-primates are cast-offs. This pattern is true if you believe in 'Intelligent Design', evolution, or a short term creation. It would certainly hold true in a model of God creating a planet! The human primate didn't evolve by accidental fitness selection; it was by the design, process, and command of God.
All the plants on earth didn't start in a single sprig; they started at the command of God. All the myriad of birds didn't start from a single egg; they started at the command of God. [Yes, I think birds are dinosaurs.] I don't see how all the thousands species of animals currently on Earth evolved from a single bit of primordial sludge!
Insufficiency of evolutionary models:
Interestingly, all the theories and all the beliefs of how God created the Heavens and Earth are meaningless, as it applies to us. The duration of the creation of the animal carcass of man is inconsequential in relation to the story of creation when you see that the first book of the Bible, the first book of Moses, teaches us the true secret of humanity. The Genesis record of the creation of "man" has two parts. The first creation of "man" is where God created "man" in his image.
"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them."
Genesis 1:27

What is the image of God? How can it be that "male and female" are created as one?
Jesus taught us about this. It was a recurrent theme in his teachings.
"God is spirit and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth."
John 4:24

"You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God. At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven. But about the resurrection of the dead-have you not read what God said to you, 'I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob'? He is not the God of the dead but of the living."
Matthew 22:29

Genesis records a second record of the creation of "man." It's found in Genesis the second chapter. This is where the human animal (primate) body was created that God made to house the "man" he had created (in his own image) in chapter one. I don't think it's an accentuation of the first creation of man, there is no indication that Moses was inspired to write about any segment of the creation event twice. So the second record is exactly what it appears to be, a second creation event.
"The LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being."
Genesis 2:7
Compare this to what Jesus taught us.
"Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days." The Jews replied, "It has taken forty-six years to build this temple, and you are going to raise it in three days?" But the temple he had spoken of was his body. After he was raised from the dead, his disciples recalled what he had said. Then they believed the Scripture and the words that Jesus had spoken. John 2:19
"For while we are in this tent, we groan and are burdened, because we do not wish to be unclothed but to be clothed with our heavenly dwelling, so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life." 2 Corinthians 5
If we weren't children of God we'd just be animals and really no different from apes. Said differently, if we have no spirit generated by God we truly are just advanced primates. We're not apes; we are spirits, in a symbiotic relationship with a complex material body for the purposes of God.
There is only one God. Only one Father. Only one body. Only one faith. Only one spirit. Over all, through all, and in all. Eph. 4:4-6
Our heavenly Father isn't an animal and he didn't create children different from himself. The Bible tells us (and we know from science) that the fruit is of the same species as the plant on which it grows and that animals are born of the same species as their parents. Everything God created brought forth after its own kind! (Gen. 1:11-12, 1:21-22, 1:24-25) The most important of these was the verse in Genesis when God created man in his own image. This doesn't indicate that the human primate is the same species as God!
Insufficiency of logic:
As such our perception of God [being animal] became technological. We began to think there was a magical formula we could use to get God to do things for us. God's thoughts [being spiritual] are much higher than our animal intellect can ever hope to comprehend. He hasn't changed, he is not responding to our spells when he showers us with his blessings.
Imagine driving in your car with your dog. Even with its head stuck out the window of your car, that dog has no comprehension of the speed (though it loves the wind). The dog thinks it's standing still ... its not running ... so it's standing still. Have you never seen a dog 'step off' a moving vehicle? This is because the dog can't comprehend the machinery of man.
Trying to comprehend God by human-primate observation is similar to this. Unless you grasp the spiritual aspect you can't grasp the concept. Likewise, applying belief to acquisition is fruitless.
As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:9-11
Insufficiency of imagination:
Here is a baby who covers its eyes playing peek-a-boo. "Where's mommy?" The child uncovers its eyes and mommy sings, "There she is!" This game was invented to teach the baby that inability to see mommy is not equal to mommy being gone. In the early infancy babies equate the inability to see mommy to mommy's complete absence. So by playing peek-a-boo baby can imagine mommy is gone and re-appearing at will.
Similarly, human primates created an imaginary 'box'. Into that box we imagine we are able to put our Father. Then we imagine that by virtue of our own will we can arbitrarily send the box off into the far reaches of outer space, because direct knowledge of God and relationship with him is frightening. Adam, and every other human primate since Adam, rejects unity with God as a personal Father by believing the original lie that we can have something, anything, that is ours exclusively not his. But in the same manner as the baby covering its eyes doesn't make mommy disappear, so also imagining God is not present is irrational.
The original lie of Lucifer is that we can somehow evolve to become equal to God. We still cling to this corner in the universe that we can say is ours not God's. Recall how God walked and talked with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden? It was after Adam disobeyed (or truly disbelieved God's word) that he began to hide. Human primates have been hiding ever since. We are still hiding today. In our secret most being there are things we don't want anyone else to know and we think we are keeping them secret from God too. There are things we hide from everyone ... sometimes even from ourselves.
Insufficiency of the secret:
There is a great need, it seems, to have something private, something unknown by anyone, something exclusively ours, but there is no such a place or thing. Using your faith to accomplish success works, but using faith for the accomplishment earthly success fails to create completeness of character that true relationship with God brings. Only by addressing your spiritual 'man', only by seeking first the Kingdom of God, do we attain complete success.
Your belief doesn't cause a thing to be true. Believing you can evolve to be equal with God doesn't enable your evolution to that level. Likewise believing alone will not change a situation because "faith without works is dead."
God's creativity is limitless, so is his awareness of all the needs, desires, and beliefs of everyone. He already knows what you need before you ask him for it. Next time something happens "just in the nick of time," inspect it thoroughly and see everything God had to put into place for that occurrence. How long before you even knew you had a need did God begin to put the response into action?
As an example, you find yourself at a red traffic signal; you want the light to be green. Is your will more important than all those other people who want their signal to be green as well? Similarly, we are required in some cases to believe for a long time while all the opposing forces come into alignment so that our blessing isn't a negative to someone else. If we never approach the light to await the green whether green occurs or not is immaterial because faith without works is dead.
Your unbelief doesn't cause it to be untrue. Similarly, not believing God actually performed creation doesn't make God an imaginary being created by primitive humans who worshiped fire. Your not believing in a living God has no affect on God. Not being at the light ready for it to turn green doesn't mean it will never turn green.
There is a graphic and tragic example of this on the television news as I write this paragraph. In San Francisco a boy was killed by a tiger that leapt from its containment area. I'm not judging or accepting that what I've heard is true, but I've heard the boy was taunting the cat. Surely he didn't believe the cat could get out of the enclosure. No one believed the three hundred fifty pound cat could jump that high or that far. Their unbelief had no affect on the tiger. Similarly, believing that God doesn't exist has no affect on God's existence.
Insufficiency of behavior:
Romans 11:32 reads that (you need to read all of Romans) God bound all humans to sin so that he could show mercy to all humans. Our Father in his infinite love for us sent another to redeem us from that sin. Because of this, we cannot say "I earned it!" or "God owes me!" There is only one way that God allows the bondage of sin (that he bound humans in) to be removed and that is through Jesus. This Jesus was the second Adam who did obey and conquered death and breathed into us the living spirit the second time!
We can't be good enough to earn our place with God. God will not allow it.
If we want to be with God we must accept the way he provided. We cannot take credit away from him. He will not allow us to place ourselves on an equal footing with him. No artifice of our own ingenuity can be used as a way to heaven. If you don't like that, get over it!
I had a dog for years. She was the best dog you ever saw. Her name was Arrow. I sincerely believe that dog loved me. I think she was sent by God to be there is some very trying times. But when she died, she died a dog. No matter how much she loved me, no matter how well she behaved or obeyed my commands she could not live eternally as a human. In the same manner, there is no human primate way to reach eternal life.
Insufficiency of blaming God:
I was raised in a 'Christian' Communist Cult called the 'Move'; in abject poverty, denied education beyond the eighth grade and made to work as a slave for the 'elders' of the Cult. At the point where I finally was old enough to leave this environment I was still too young to be wise enough to know that adults were simply taller and older and that didn't mean they were correct. Upon leaving I turned my back on God because there was no place in my mind for God if he was what I was taught in the cult. It took me a few years to finally realize that God wasn't the cause of the cult; it wasn't his fault even if he did allow it to exist. All things work for good, even the things we think are severe.
I had to learn that environment had shaped who I was, but it wasn't wise to allow this and I didn't have to remain in the pit. Because I literally came from nothing, and nowhere, I can write this book with some authority. My experience may help others climb from their past too.
Sufficiency of the Redeemer:
Man was created as a spirit, in the image of God. Then God, our Father, created the material body in which that spirit could reside. He "breathed" into the nostrils of the human primate he had just created the "breath of life." Not the breath of physical life; this breath is the Spirit of our Father. He moved the spirit being (created in his image) into the human primate! Interestingly, the term 'breathed into him [the breath of life]'; is used only once more in the Bible. It's used in those last days of Jesus (after the resurrection) when he breathed on the disciples and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit." (John 20:22)
Jesus truly is the redeemer, or reviver, of the human spirit. The primate lost contact with the Spirit of God in what we refer to as 'the fall of man' when Adam disobeyed the command of God and then tried to hide it. As soon as Adam ate the banana, his spiritual awareness became focused on the 'secret corner' he suddenly needed to protect. He killed his link to God. That link went inactive, within him. He became afraid, defensive, and physical. His inability to communicate with God was not because God didn't want to communicate but because his link had been revoked. The 'secret corner' he thought was his; the corner he 'needed' to protect from God; the corner he thought he could keep from God, prevented his communication with God.
Using a modern example, an infected computer is prevented from spreading a virus by the revoking its ability to access to the network. Similarly, the human primate's protected secret corner prevents him from communicating with God. The irony of this is that such a corner doesn't exist, and the effort to keep it private is the ultimate definition of sin. As time passed and human primates became more dependent on their physical solutions all spiritual contact with our Father was lost. In men's primate mind the Father became an imperial god. Spiritually dead human primates relegated our Father to a far away and distant kingdom. In effect men created god! Does this mean we cast God out or that he doesn't exist so we sculpted Him in "our own image"? Was God created by the rich few to control the masses? No! This means we created a belief, a delusion in our own animal intellect that God was somewhere and something else. But, calling a dog's tail a leg doesn't give the dog five legs, the tail is still a tail.
Just because we believe God is far away and unapproachable doesn't make it so. When we think only as human primates we are incapable of understanding God. This is because all of our human primate's thoughts are based on a single basic animal instinct: SURVIVE. All animal thought is rooted in that one thought. All other animal thoughts spring only from that one thought.
Sufficiency of Grace:
No matter how creation happened, if it took six hours, six days or six b'zillion years ... one day there was a human primate, whom God made to house the "man" created in his image. That human primate indwelled by a child of God, became self aware and sinned by creating a secret space in which he thought he eliminated God's spirit. Through that man's lineage Jesus came to the world, the son of God, and Mary.
The highest reality that exists is this:
Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.
No one comes to the Father except by Him.
Sure, the 'secret' is that you can use your faith to think your way to success. Faith does bring universal results. God is a good God; He sends rain on the just and the unjust; He makes the sun rise on the good and the evil. Likewise, the law of faith applies if you believe in Jesus or not. You can use the law of attraction to generate the world you want. But you will be missing the most important part of your life if you don't accept into your very soul the highest spiritual reality there is. Your human primate animal carcass is the house, the place where your God breathed spirit dwells and if you tap into that power, if you believe, God Himself gives you the power to become a child of God! His spirit quickens you and brings your spirit to life, and that life is abundant and eternal. Jesus prepared the way. Though it's difficult, you need to follow him.
"You don't have a soul. You are a Soul. You have a body."
C.S. Lewis
As you begin this journey realize you aren't simply an evolved animal but a spirit being housed in a specifically designed animal housing. This realization is important because if there is no power higher than the animal house in which you dwell there is no hope that you can accomplish anything more than nesting, breeding, feeding, dying, and rotting. You may be able to build the most elaborate nest anyone has ever seen but it will be nothing more than a nest. Your money will rot in the bank and your name and face will be forgotten as the sands of time wear it away.
In ancient times God created man. Man, like a child trying to understand, but God in measure was much too grand, for man's animal reason to comprehend. Evil was sufficient; it has said, "There is no God; God is dead." Millennia passed; man's memories don't last. Reason and logic each demand, "Where's the evidence of God's hand?" Then man's science saw God's acts, only in spirit, that's a fact! "Energy," man called it. "It's all pervasive, permeates all things, and eternally exists; 'Nature evolved everything with it.'" ... Still, calling a dog's tail a leg doesn't give the dog five legs.
Change your perception of who you are:
Before you implement change it is important to understand where you are and who you are. Think for a few minutes about these things. Ask yourself, "Who am I?" Don't look at what you do for a living. The answer isn't how poor or rich you are or even what country you are in. These are all external things. You are a child of the living God! Who are you and what do you want? Who do you want to be? You didn't come to be who you are by chance. Energy and evolution didn't conspire to spew you from the primordial sludge as if you were some bit of rejected flotsam.
Now we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands. Meanwhile we groan, longing to be clothed with our heavenly dwelling, because when we are clothed, we will not be found naked. For while we are in this tent, we groan and are burdened, because we do not wish to be unclothed but to be clothed with our heavenly dwelling, so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life. Now it is God who has made us for this very purpose and has given us the Spirit as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come. 2 Corinthians 5:1-5
God's promise: God loves you - you're his child. How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! 1 John 3:1
Success Key: You are a spirit that has a body, act like it. You're a child of God and he loves you.
Sing out: So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains, and we never even know we have the key. The Eagles
This is the first in a series of articles that together form "The Gospel According to Timothy".

God's Covenant Part 1

There are many times the word covenant is used in the Bible. We can find that God made a covenant with Noah in Genesis 6"18, But with thee will I establish my covenant; and thou shalt come into the ark, thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, and thy sons' wives with thee. God found Noah to be a righteous man and promised to preserve life through
Noah and his family. We can also see the covenant God made with Abraham, or Abramat the time the covenant was made. We can also see that God made a covenant with those that chose to follow his will. In Exodus 12:48 we read And when a stranger shall sojourn with thee, and will keep the passover to the LORD, let all his males be circumcised, and then let him come near and keep it; and he shall be as one that is born in the land: for no uncircumcised person shall eat thereof. This of course is the physical part of the old covenant. The reference here is that any one who chooses to follow the Lord must show the signs of their commitment to him. With the new covenant, the circumcision is of the heart, as found in Romans 2:28&29, For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God. The circumcision of the heart simply means that you have cut out the old and grafted in the new, which is Christ the Lord. Let me just interject this thought. Circumcision is performed by cutting back the outside skin for the inner to come forth. Same thing goes for the circumcision of the heart. The old heart needs to be cut back so that the heart of God has room to enter in. So besides the fact that circumcision is a commandment of God, as a sign of his covenant between him and Abraham, circumcision makes room for the new to come forth.
Though there are many times the word covenant is used in the Bible, we will only look at two of God's covenants in this article. First we will look briefly at the old covenant found throughout the Old Testament. We will consider the passage from Deuteronomy 4:13;
And he declared unto you his covenant, which he commanded you to perform, even ten commandments; and he wrote them upon two tables of stone.

So what was this covenant, it was the Ten Commandments, but it was so much more than just commandments. It was also the guideline for most of our modern day laws. This covenant by God is a promise. It is a promise that, if we follow his commandments he will be a God to us and we will be his people/ This covenant also promised both blessings and curses. Blessings came from obedience to the LORD and his commandments; Deuteronomy 7:12&13, Wherefore it shall come to pass, if ye hearken to these judgments, and keep, and do them, that the LORD thy God shall keep unto thee the covenant and the mercy which he sware unto thy fathers: And he will love thee, and bless thee, and multiply thee: he will also bless the fruit of thy womb, and the fruit of thy land, thy corn, and thy wine, and thine oil, the increase of thy kine, and the flocks of thy sheep, in the land which he sware unto thy fathers to give thee. Curses came from disobedience; Deuteronomy 11:28, And a curse, if ye will not obey the commandments of the LORD your God, but turn aside out of the way which I command you this day, to go after other gods, which ye have not known.
This may sound pretty harsh, but taken in consideration the same applies to us now with mans' law, does it not? If you murder some one, you must therefore pay the penalty, right? Same goes with God. Another thing you have to take into consideration is that God was with the children of Israel at this time in the form of a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. They also knew God was God because he had proved himself by many great miracles, such as freeing them from Egyptian bondage, providing food and water for them when there was none to be found, and many more. You could say God was right there with them. It didn't take the kind of faith it takes now because they seen first hand who God was through the (types) of miracles he performed and through the prophets. We see first hand God's presence in us but it is in the form of the Holy Spirit. God is still with us today, but, because we have his written word, and the words of the prophets, God does not need to dwell with us the same way that he did in those days.

Another thing about the Old Covenant was the way forgiveness was applied. When some one broke Gods commandments there had to be a blood sacrifice each time. Leviticus 4:2&3 says, Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, If a soul shall sin through ignorance against any of the commandments of the LORD concerning things which ought not to be done, and shall do against any of them: If the priest that is anointed do sin according to the sin of the people; then let him bring for his sin, which he hath sinned, a young bullock without blemish unto the LORD for a sin offering.A blood sacrifice was the only way forgiveness could be applied. Continue reading on in this chapter of Leviticus and you will see where the blood comes in and the procedure for preparing the sacrifice. Another thing you may have
noticed is the phrase, sin through ignorance, there is a huge difference between sinning through ignorance and sinning willfully. If you take a look at Hebrews 1:26&27 we can see what God says about willful sin, For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries. I believe what the word is saying here is, how can God forgive us for something that we willfully continue to do, knowing that it is wrong. When we are children, we are taught that it is wrong to steal. Now as a young child, taking something that doesn't belong to us, may, be excused once or twice. As we get older, though, knowing that it is wrong to steal, it is no longer excused; we are punished for our crime. Same thing goes with God, when we know it is a sin to do something, and we do it any way, then we have to be punished for it.
One other thing about the Old covenant, and the way forgiveness was given is, who could offer the sacrifice. Only the priest that was anointed could offer a sacrifice for sin to be forgiven. Nowhere in scripture, that I have found, since the law was given to Moses, has any one other than the priest made the offering for atonement. We can read of this in many places, we can see it in Leviticus. 4:20; and the priest shall make an atonement for them, and it shall be forgiven them, Lev. 4:26; and the priest shall make an atonement for him as concerning his sin, and it shall be forgiven him, and we can also find it in Numbers 15:25; And the priest shall make an atonement for all the congregation of the children of Israel, and it shall be forgiven them; If you search this topic, you can find many other scriptures that will show that it was always the priest that makes the atonement for the people.
We know that the old covenant was with Israel and concerned the law, or the Ten Commandments as found in Exodus through Deuteronomy. But what was the law or Ten Commandments given for?
Romans 7:7 What shall we say then? is the law sin? God forbid. Nay, I had not known sin, but by the law: for I had not known lust, except the law had said, Thou shalt not covet. From the very beginning man was consistently disobedient to God, even before the commandments were given in written form. Adam had just one command, and of course we know that he did not keep it. Genesis 2:17. But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it. Man has never been able to keep God's commandments. You might say; well doesn't the Bible say that Job was perfect? Yes indeed, it does say that, but does this mean that Job was without sin? To define perfect in the sense of describing Job we need to look at the definition of the word from this particular passage. Strong's dictionary defines it as: complete, usually pious (showing reverence for God) gentle, dear, coupled together, perfect, plain, undefiled, upright. So to say that Job was perfect may be one thing, Job was upright, he reverenced God, he was undefiled, (didn't bow to other gods), but to say that Job was without sin is something totally different, because we know that all have sinned, as is stated in Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God. Now I know that most attribute "all have sinned and come short of the glory of God" to Paul. But, let's look at some passages of scripture that came before Paul's letters. Jesus made this statement in John 8:7 "He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her." Jesus is stating the fact that they all had sin. Psalm 14:3 tells us: They are all gone aside, they are all together become filthy: there is none that doeth good, no, not one. So Jesus himself as well as the Old Testament tells us that ALL have sinned.

The New Covenant gives us a little insight to what Jesus taught, and how Paul came to continue in Jesus' teachings. Now I know there are those that say Paul contradicted Jesus, but we will discover why that is not a true statement. First let me make one thing clear, the question has always been asked, aren't there contradictions in the Bible? Let me say this, there are no contradictions nor mistakes in God's word, there are however errors in what man has both penned (written) and translated in the Bible. This is a topic that was covered in chapter one, "Scriptural Interpretation."Before we look at the new covenant we need to look at the source of the new covenant and how it is instituted.
According to scripture Jesus is the source of the new covenant as found in Matthew 26:28 For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins. Jesus said of himself that he is the New Testament. The word Testament here is another word for covenant or promise as found in any major dictionary and in the Strong's Bible dictionary. Notice that Jesus said in this verse that, it was his blood and that it was shed for many for the remission of sins. According to scripture there is no forgiveness of sins without the shedding of blood. We can see this in Hebrews 9:22; And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission. Although the phrase "almost all things" is found here, we can still see by other scriptures that the blood is what cleanses us from sin. Did you know that when you get a cut, that the bleeding occurs for the wound to be purified? This is the purpose of bleeding, it purifies the wound. The blood of Jesus covers our sin, when we apply it, so that our sinful nature is purified. Since most attribute Hebrews to Paul though, we will use a passage from: 1st John
But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. Leviticus 17:11 For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul. So blood had to be shed for atonement to be made for sin. In the Old Testament blood had to be shed each time sin was committed and once in the year for the sin of the people as a whole. This blood had to come from an unblemished lamb, or a lamb without fault or was perfect in every way. Leviticus 4:32 And if he bring a lamb for a sin offering, he shall bring it
a female without blemish.

How Does God Talk To You?

"God can talk by thunder because thunder is really God talking out loud," says Dianna, 8.
I'm not sure how this works but Lane, 7, will explain: "God is in heaven, and when you are high, it's easy to talk down."
Oh, I get it. It's kind of like being on top of a mountain and shouting down to those below.
Friends, if you want to focus on God speaking from high places, remember Mount Sinai where Moses received the 10 commandments. But first consider Moses' experience when he was shepherd in the desert. He heard God's voice from an unusual bush that kept on burning.
Because Moses was spiritually alert, he inspected the burning bush. He heard the voice of God, and it transformed him into the deliverer of the Hebrew people.
On the mountaintop, we expect to hear God's voice. Yet, often we're deaf to God's voice in the ordinary bushes of our everyday experiences.
Who knows? Maybe God wants to use you to deliver a nation. If not a nation, maybe he's calling you to deliver neighbor from self-destruction.
As Chad, 8, says, "God can talk to us when there is something he wants us to do."
Before you act, make sure you hear God's voice first. Remember what happened to Moses the first time he tried to deliver his people. He killed an Egyptian taskmaster and had to flee into the wilderness where he spent 40 years caring for sheep.
Hannah, 9, says God's voice may not be audible: "God used to talk out loud so that people could hear him like any other person. Now he doesn't do that. He talks to us through our hearts. It sounds pretty hard to do, but God can do anything. God sort of puts the idea in our heads, and somehow, it just works!"
"God puts it in your heart, and it goes all the way to your brain," says Taylor, who at 6 years old has a distinct advantage over adults. God's voice has a shorter distance to travel between his heart and brain.
Before listening to their hearts, Hannah and Taylor would do well to listen to the prophet Jeremiah, who wrote, "The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked."
God promises to transform deceitful hearts by placing the Holy Spirit into all those who trust Jesus as Savior. "Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit?" wrote the Apostle Paul to the Christians in Corinth.
But even a new heart needs a new program. "I think the way God talks to us is through the Bible, but we must read and study it," says Kyle, 12. Why? "Because the Bible is God's word," adds Ryan, 10.
Think of the Bible as a love letter from God. When God speaks directly to the hearts of his people, it will never contradict his love letter, the Bible. For example, if you think you hear God telling you to steal something, it's not his voice.
While some view prayer as a one-way street -- from us to God -- Adriane, 10, says it's two-way: "God can talk to us by answering our prayers. If we ask him to do something in our prayers, and he does it, that is him answering our prayer. God does not have to speak [in an audible voice] to be able to talk to you."
Quietness is the key, says Hillary, 6: "When you pray to God, and you're very still and quiet, you can hear him."
Have you been missing out on the greatest conversation you could have because you haven't been still?
Point to ponder: God wants to talk to all his children. Scripture to remember: "Be still, and know that I am God" (Psalm 46:10a). Question to consider: Has God spoken to you today?

Confusing God With Religion Part 1

I can remember it like it was yesterday. I was driving home after a particularly boring three-hour contract meeting. It was a late September afternoon and the traffic on the by-pass was still light. The sky was a beautiful cerulean blue, absolutely void of any clouds. All was deceptively well with the world. Out of habit, I reached for the ON button to the radio. I like listening to talk radio while driving. The prattle of an interview was in progress, as I glanced at the dashboard clock. It was flashing 3:42 pm. The car was warm but not hot - comfortable -without the air conditioning blowing in my face. It was one of those rare pleasant homeward bound drives at the end of the workday. Just this once, I just might make it home without my back and neck in a knot from tension. I decided today was not a day for fighting traffic, if the guy on my left wants to dive in front of me, they are welcome to do so.
As I began to pay attention to the radio... the familiar interviewer was speaking with yet another authority on God. At least that's what they were vaunting. In reality, it was actually about religion - not God. The author informed us that at one point in her life she was a nun. Her reasons for leaving that vocation, as with anyone leaving their life's work, varied.
However, there were two reasons she quoted as being the straw that broke the proverbial camel's back, which affected me. The more I thought about them, the more they bothered me.
First, as a nun, she declared she had to pray each morning for an hour. During these prayers, she discovered that keeping one's mind on the object at hand was a daunting task. No matter how hard she fought, she just couldn't keep her mind from wandering during her prayers. She took that as a sign that she was not qualified to be a nun.
Secondly, she claimed that she always had the thought that God was this ethereal Person, who would, as she prayed, somehow (more my words than hers) magical join her in some relationship manner. She finally realized this was not happening.
Extremely disappointed, she realized it would never happen, and quit the profession. She also gave up her belief in a personal God, and turned to the study of religion as her god.
So what? Why pick on this person? I assure you I don't want to appear as picking on anyone, but she does loom as a perfect example of those who have a common error about God.
Let me say, I believe she has a right to choose whatever religion she wants to choose, and she can believe however, she wants to believe. That's not what bothered me, and yes, the interview did bother me.
Personally, I have found that unless one is in a real life-or-death situation, it's difficult for most of us to pray for an hour, without having to drag our mind back into the effort every five (maybe two) minutes or so. I can't do it. There are too many distractions in my life. All kinds of things creep into my thoughts in that length of time, regardless of what time of the day it is. If it's late, I might fall asleep. That still was not my problem with all of this. I'll get to the point in a moment - I promise.
My second dilemma with this entire interview was the continuous reference to religion as God. I mean there was no separation - no distinction between the two. To these two entities, religion and God were one in the same. At one point, the interviewer asked the former nun how she reconciled her wonderful devotion to the study of religion to Dawkin's scientific refute of God. They captured me with that comment. I must confess, I've never heard of Dawkin's book where he supposedly proves through science, God does not exist.
Again, I am of the opinion that Mr. Dawkins may believe whatever he so desires, and I'm not going to argue with him. There is no end of books claiming they can disprove God. The problem is they all seem to be arguing against religion and not God. Some are quite mean spirited and others are simply the rants of an agnostic who is trying to put forth his/her gospel of enlightenment i.e. their own religion.
Again, the theme I see, when I do read one of these books, - and I admit that is a rarity - is syncretism, which is the various beliefs and practices of one's deity. One man wrote an entire book on how religion poisons everything, which only spawned a plethora of books of how wonderful religion truly is. My question is where is God in all this religious battle?
The author of this interview was of the opinion that all deities were the same. It made no difference if your deity was Buddha, Brahman, or Jah, - it was the fact that one believed and practiced a religion. The practice of a religion is what is important to a human's spirit and soul, she proposed. I believe her views echoes the sentiments of far too many people in the world today, who claim Christianity.
Now, I don't know if you have caught on yet, but the entire conversation centered on the fact that religion and God are one in the same. I am finding that the world has somehow confused or merged God and religion as being the same thing. I'm here to take a theological stand that this concept is a corruption, and the notion that religion poisons everything might not be so extreme after all.
Religion (Grk. threskeia) is positively not God - not Divine, but merely the beliefs and practices that a person uses to worship the object of their choosing. Religion consists of all manner of ceremonies, and if so desired, certain disciplines.
It is from religion that we get this multiplicity of denominations, sects, cults, and fanatical schisms. Religion is actually, what was shoved down so many people's throat as a child, which they now see as God being the evil in the world. Yes, you heard me correctly. In most cases, those of us who have had this experience of a childhood of forced religion, was not God, but someone's creed concerning God. Many people see God as being the evil in this world, but they confuse God with religion. Thus, we have books declaring religion is poisoning of the world.
Am I saying religion is wrong? Of course not, but what I am saying it's like a gun. It can be a dangerous weapon in the hands of the unskilled. God is not our enemy. The Bible is not our enemy, nor is the Bible a religion. The enemy are those who teach dreadful theology about God, who create their own religions, and then demand other people to follow their perception, and distortion of what they think is their foundation, God.
Again I repeat, religion, that is of God (and not god) is a good thing. I consider myself religious, but I can tell you with authority, that my religion is not my denomination, or group that I'm a member of in my community. My foundational religion is a spiritual relationship with the Deity that I worship, who in this case happens to be Yahweh, in the person of Jesus the Christ. That was a personal choice offered to me and I accepted the offer. Obviously, someone at some time explained the fact that He was offering this relationship and that is how I learned of Him. However, I can say without reservation, never was I coerced into accepting my conviction in His existence.
Listen carefully, - how I choose to act upon that relationship is my religion. If I do nothing with that religion, it does not diminish God in any manner. He is still God. In fact, my worship of Him does nothing to enhance Him - with one caveat - He does take pleasure in our relationship with Him. Other than that, He can do just fine without me.
The world has conjured up a theory that God is some pathetic, needy old Geezer, who sits in heaven and begs for our love, worship, and attention. Without our accolades, He would simply turn to dust. He is a sad, forlorn, and empty Being in the Universe. Forget it! Our worship of Him is something that He loves, but doesn't need. His love for us is not contingent on - neither does His love increase or decrease - according to our feelings for Him. Someone writing a book that He cannot possibly exist does not affect His self-esteem. He is not some glorified human affected by self-emotions.
Does Holy Scripture teach religion? Yes, it does, but we have so distorted it, one can hardly identify it as being biblical anymore.
As stated, religion is the beliefs and practices of a form of homage to whatever we are worshipping. In the Old Testament, God originally set up religion with a band of Hebrews He chose to be His special people, because He had a far-reaching plan. They were the race He chose to identify Himself to the world by being their singular Deity. In turn, they were to distinguish themselves as belonging exclusively to Him. He would be more than their God; He would also be their National King instead of some perverted human.
The nation of Israel, as we know them, was originally set up to be a theocracy. The Law, which we commonly refer to as the Ten Commandments, was their Declaration of Dependence. Moses expounded upon that Law, which became their Constitution. At that time, God did indeed set up a form of religion so that the nation would know how to properly treat and entreat Him. It set up a proper establishment of the relationship He desired from His national citizens.
Please understand God did not give the Law to the world, but to a specific Nation. If you were a non-Hebrew and desired to join them, you too were expected to follow the same Law, and honor God as your King, through this same form of worship/religion.
If you read the Pentateuch, you will discover that God was quite specific so that these people would not have to guess at what they should do. They would not have to guess at when, where or how they should worship (practice His religion). Nor did He allow the freedom to choose what forms of worship an individual would use.
During the days of Moses, God spoke directly to him so that if there was any kind of misunderstanding, or deviation from this set form of religion, Moses would correct it immediately. The problem is, Moses couldn't live forever, and he eventually died. All the nation had left was the written Word, and those who devoted themselves to studying that Word. At first, the men who sat next to Moses did a fantastic job of keeping everything in perfect alignment. However, as is the way of life, they too eventually, died. Then there was a new generation in charge of interpreting - and that is all that existed - an interpretation of what was written.
It is amazing how two people can read the same book and come away with two different reports. I don't know how that happens, but it does. I have had people ask me about a supposed statement I made during a lecture, and when I reran the tape of that speech, that statement didn't exist. There was no hint of it, yet that's what they believed I said. I guess it's all about human nature.
Therefore, we eventually see the Law of Israel and the religion that God set up splitting into different groups. Different teachers, different interpretations. When did denominations come into being? Way back before the birth of Christ. Anyone who has ever read the Gospels in the New Testament certainly has heard of the Pharisees, and the Sadducees, not to mention the Essenes, and others not so well known. These are simply denominations. My point is that a variety of religious practices is not a Christian phenomenon. Even Islam, which is so much in the news today, has different sects or denominations. These are all religions, because they are only the practice of their belief of what they choose to call their God.
Most who are reading this article, are not Jewish and do not practice the Hebrew Law. Thank God, we live (although some people seem to forget this) in a new time.
Theologians call the time you and I are living in as the New Testament era. That is to say, we can declare that we belong to the God of Israel, without being under the Law of Israel, because Christ fulfilled the Law of the Old Testament. So, what does this New Testament say to us concerning religion?
First, I want you to note, that the word religion appears four times in our English Scripture, within the New Testament. However, that does not mean the New Testament only teaches religion in four places. While Christ condemned the religions of His day, because they were poisoning the people who wanted what the woman on the radio interview wanted - a relationship with God - He certainly taught religion. He taught the religion that God actually wants us to practice, instead of what someone thinks we should be practicing. I can wrap it up quite simply by saying that He taught that once a relationship is established with God, through Christ, our religion is to be more spiritual than ritual.
Israel went through many external rituals to demonstrate and teach what God wanted from them internally. While the rituals have changed, the practice of Divine religion has not. Let me show you what Jesus taught. One day He met a woman who did what the world does when we come to God - she wanted to argue about religion - not about God. In all simplicity, she wanted to know why one group believed this way and another believed that way. Each group were ready to kill for their differences of their religion.
In truth, the controlling religion in Israel at that time would indeed kill her for not having the same religion as they. Although they both claimed, they believed in God. Sounds all too familiar. How many have died since this woman because they didn't have the same religious practice as the present controlling party?
Christ's answer was perfect. Religion - the practice of worshiping God - has nothing to do with church services, songs, reading until you go blind, or praying for hours on end. (See John 4:21-24.)
Divinely sanctioned religion comes from a person's spirit not a building or a creed.
My spirit reaches out to the Father, through Christ, and it may say, "Dear Lord, I love You with all my heart." It may say, "I am in need of a job, Lord. Give me guidance of where to look. Let me find favor in the sight of this interviewer." On the other hand, our spirit may cry out "Forgive me. I am greedy and desire money, and lots of it. I want to win the Lotto, with all my heart!" Our spirit may cry out, "I saw this person and I would like to sleep with him or her."
"Oh, my goodness," the religious person would say. "I could never say such a thing." Then your religion is not the religion that God accepts. Let me give you what Jesus said so you know I'm not peddling my own religion. Religion is... the practice of worship. Godly worship, according to Christ, comes from the spirit, and is based in truth. In case you missed the point, He mentions it twice. If you cannot tell your God that your heart desires money, and a ton of it, then your religion is false. Spirit and truth comprises the foundation of the religion that God sanctions. All the rest are, indeed, false.
If we hate someone because of the color of his or her skin, or his or her nationality, and we cannot stand face-to-face with God and tell Him we hate them, our religion is false. Be sure to understand, I'm not talking about standing before a group of people who are of like mind as us, and shouting it out, but I am talking about standing before God.
One might say, "I don't know how to stand before God. I can't see Him." Sure, you can. Anyone who truly wants to see God can see Him. We see Him through the eyes of our spirit. We see Him in the faces of others. We can see Him by looking at the Universe. He is everywhere; we just need to open our spiritual eyes. See, that's the truth Christ, was talking about. God honors that religion. That religion has nothing to do with condemning to hell a homosexual, or someone who gives abortions, even someone who has lied to us. When we have no sin in our own life, then - and only then, - can we judge/condemn someone else. Those who claim to be Christian are not here to revile, but to show the world we are of Christ by our love.
There are two kinds of judging in the New Testament. One has to do with judging if something is right or wrong. If we judge it as wrong, then we shouldn't do it. If we judge it as right, then we can help ourselves (within reason). This kind of judgment is the right kind of judgment. The other judgment has to do with condemnation. That is the accusing kind. That is the shouting down someone for not being like us. That kind is strictly forbidden. Judgment belongs to God alone. Therefore, what we are supposed to do is pray for them. Christ set the foundation for our twenty-first century religion. New Testament scriptures build on that foundation. Our religion is not to be the end-all i.e. our God.
If our religion no longer has us burning bulls on an altar, and if we are not commanded to pray for one hour every morning (but at all times) then, what is the religion God desires from us according to the New Testament? The summation of religion is so easy, - it is right in our hearts - yet we constantly miss it. There are two parts to Divinely sanctioned religion. Are you ready? Here it is, "If anyone thinks himself to be religious, and yet does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this man's religion is worthless. Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself unstained by the world" (Ja 1:26-27 ~ NASB). Christ set the foundation, on which we are to build.
First, he says, we need to watch our mouth. Whatever is coming out of our mouth is revealing the truth of our heart. It makes no difference if we are shouting this through a bullhorn on a street corner, or yelling at a co-worker, or screaming at our family; our heart is the true revelation of our spirit. We tell the world and God the truth of whom we are by what is coming out of our mouth. That is why we will be judged on the words we say one day. Secondly, he says we need to practice what we preach. If we say, we love God then we must act like Him, and have compassion on those who are less fortunate than we are. We can't just say we love, - no one can hear us over our actions. This is the proper religion God desires from us and will accept. That's it.
Christians if we would stop fighting the world, and simply hold true to the God that we claim our basic beliefs on, we would convert the world. We will continue this in part two by discussing who is the God we claim to follow and love.

Is It God-Or Is It-Gas?

Oddly enough, the number one, most often-read, on-line message of mine ( is entitled "Hearing voices and seeing things." That article has had 1,114 views on that site alone, since I posted it, October 21, 2005. The thing I marvel at is that, when I Googled the words "Hearing voices," I found that there were over 2,730,000 additional entries!
Evidently, people are hearing things.
They want to know if it's God...or something else.
Recently, on several occasions, I have been asked the question, "How do we know when it's God speaking to us and that it's not the devil?" Just last evening, at a gathering of Christians, one woman told us of a relative of hers who, after supposedly hearing from God, chose to marry a certain man. Their brief marriage was a fiasco that ended in a divorce. Another couple related a similar story.
I believe that one reason that the Scriptures refer to the Holy Spirit as "holy" is to distinguish Him from all the UNHOLY spirits that have been unleashed upon planet Earth, determined to destroy the lives of God's people. "My sheep listen to My voice; I know them and they follow Me," said Jesus in John 10:27.
The first thing we must wrap our minds around is the fact that God DOES speaks to us. Generally, He does so through our minds and hearts. He occasionally speaks audibly to His children when He has placed them in situations that require great faith or desperate actions. On one occasion in my own life, after returning home after a hard day of manual labor, the moment I opened my door, I heard an unmistakable voice speak to me, it seemed, from the corner but at the same time, it came from everywhere. I don't think I so much heard with my ears as I heard with my heart. "Go for a walk!" I obeyed immediately, despite thinking how little sense it made to do so. After all, it was still VERY hot outside and I was exhausted.
The walk was uneventful and, as I was headed home, I saw a woman crying in the middle of her living room, holding her head in her hands. I recognized her but had never met her. I felt drawn to her door and knocked. Startled, through tear stained, puffy eyes, she motioned for me to come in. As I entered, I saw her infant son in his walker, soaked with perspiration as the house was hot as an oven.
I heard "the voice" again saying, "She's frightened because she was raped and is afraid that she is pregnant." After I relayed that message, her mouth dropped and she crumbled to the floor in disbelief, crying even harder now and choking out the words, "How did you know? Nobody knows..." I replied: "I guess God told me." We sat on the porch and talked until 3 in the morning.
The next day, she pulled her car up next to me as I walked home. After exchanging greetings, with a look of shame and tears coming to her eyes, she said something like, "I know you're going through some hard times yourself right now but... if you had not come along last night...well, I was thinking about killing myself and my son."
It wasn't long before her husband, a man who had abandoned her and their child, returned home, only now as a born-again Christian who was trying hard to live the Christian life. Last time I saw her, she was pregnant with THEIR second child. She was not pregnant from the rape and the rapist did go to jail. Incidentally, I had the privilege of leading the rapist's wife to Christ when she knocked on my door one night at midnight, her car loaded with her kids and possessions, with an attitude of desperation, to ask how she could be saved before they left town.
The point is this: the miraculous aspect of God's physical voice coming from nowhere allowed me to be used in a situation that was way beyond me. It proved to be just what the Doctor ordered! Once again, Obedience and Availability proved to be the keys.
In John 12:28, Jesus prayed, "Father, glorify your name!" Then a voice came from Heaven, "I have glorified it, and will glorify it again." There was a crowd that was there and they heard it. Apparently, some thought it had thundered. Still others insisted an angel had spoken to Him. Jesus said, "This voice was for your benefit, not mine."
2 Peter 1:16-19 describes another instance of His disciples hearing God's voice: "We did not follow cleverly invented stories when we told you about the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty. For he received honor and glory from God the Father when the voice came to him from the Majestic Glory, saying, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased." We ourselves heard this voice that came from Heaven when we were with Him on the sacred mountain. And we have the word of the prophets made more certain, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts."
Why did Jesus say that God's audible voice was for their benefit and not His own? Probably because He heard God all the time and did only what the Father told Him to do (John 5:19, 30; 8:28). Apparently, his disciples needed to hear what they heard in order to increase their faith. Bear in mind that Jesus was facing a certain, very grim future; absolute rejection by the religious establishment, scorn by those He came to save, humiliation, and crucifixion. So, God spoke audibly. No time to waste. God knows what is needed and when.
There are many voices in the wind these days. How can the seeking Christian - an individual who truly desires to hear the Voice of God - know when it's God and when it's not? Especially when our major problem is hearing God's "still, small voice"?
Mat 13:12-17 "Whoever has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him. This is why I speak to them in parables: [from Isa 6:9-11] 'Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand.' In them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah: 'You will be ever hearing but never understanding; you will be ever seeing but never perceiving. For this people's heart has become callused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them.' But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear. For I tell you the truth, many prophets and righteous men longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it."
God's voice is still and small (1 Kings 19:11-12). How can we know it's really Him? Like the parables Jesus told that were only intended to be interpreted by those who "had ears to hear what the Spirit was saying," God's voice will most likely be the one that goes against the grain. It will probably make the least sense but brings the greatest peace.
Once I thought I was in love with a pretty girl who was loved and accepted by all my friends. Finally, I introduced her to a wise Christian woman whose words to me were, "She's a beautiful girl, you have peace about the relationship?" Her words hit me like a lightning bolt! Peace? No, not at all. I knew what God was telling me to do and, frankly, it was a relief to obey.
2 Cor 10:3-5 "For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."
The spiritual warfare we are engaged in is fought on three fronts: the world, the flesh and the devil. The battle we fight is a battle for our minds which can be prompted by God, by our own carnal desires, or by demonic attack. Some people ignore this, choosing to believe that everything they think or feel is from God. This tendency can become quite serious when such a person thinks God has told them to murder their children for instance. Or, in the case of Muslim terrorists, kill Christians, Jews, Americans and the like. Mass murderer, Charles Manson, still claims to have heard from God that he was to go and murder.
2 Cor 11:3 "But I am afraid that just as Eve was deceived by the serpent's cunning, your minds may somehow be led astray from your sincere and pure devotion to Christ."
2 Tim 3:13-17 " ...evil men and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it... you have known the holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."
Rom 7:21-23 "So I find this law at work: When I want to do good, evil is right there with me. For in my inner being I delight in God's law; but I see another law at work in the members of my body, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within my members.
I believe that, when we learn to discern God's voice in small things and wind up seeing the fruit of our obedience, that's when God would more likely prompt us to go heal somebody or cast out a demon. That's not to say that once we've reached that point of maturity, those who are familiar with hearing God's voice cannot STILL fall for the counterfeits. Unfortunately, we remain susceptible as long as we are confined to these earthsuits.
God will use whatever means are necessary to speak to His Children. He spoke audibly. In one case, He used Balaam's donkey. He used angels, prophets, signs and symbols, types and shadows. Jesus used parables and miracles. Today, He uses His written Word, prophetic utterances, Words of Knowledge and Words of Wisdom. He still uses miracles, dreams and visitations. I know two women who claim to have been visited by a physical manifestation of Jesus Himself and have heard stories of children describing both Jesus and angels. I've heard a woman say He spoke to her through the movie "Ground Hog Day" with Bill Murray. Others have stated that He has spoken to them through sermons, church marquees, billboards, t-shirts and even my email broadcasts. He even speaks to us through negative circumstances, believe it or not.
He's simply big enough to use it all!
Jack Deere, a former Dallas Theological Seminary professor, Presbyterian pastor, and Vineyard Pastor says, "God can and does give personal words of direction to believers today that cannot be found in the Bible. I do not believe that he gives direction that contradicts the Bible..."
The author of Hebrews aptly puts it, we must see to it that we do not disregard "Him who is speaking" (Heb. 12:25). This is regardless, I'm assuming, of HOW He speaks to us. A message to my children when they were young carried as much weight by phone as in person. "Come home now!" had only one meaning. If we deny that God speaks to us in any way apart from the Scriptures, are we quenching His Spirit (1 Thess. 5:19)? Many believe so but I do not. A Texas friend of mine was a missionary in Africa during the Apartheid days. He and his guides came upon an old woman sitting on a rock who told them that The Great Spirit had told her that white men were coming to tell her the Name of her God. My "white' friend told her "that's us...we're here to tell you His name is JESUS!"
A former Muslim testified that he was praying in a mosque when he heard a drop hit the floor in front of him. He looked up and touched it, finding it was a drop of rose-scented oil. He instantly thought of Jesus, the Rose of Sharon and wondered why Allah took Him to Heaven. His search began and he became a Christian and was forced to divorce his wife and leave his country.
In both these instances, there wasn't a Holy Bible anywhere in sight.
"Jesus is Lord" is the principal concept of the Bible. Lord literally means "owner." Psalm 24:1 declares: "The earth is the LORD'S, and all it contains, The world, and those who dwell in it." Now, whether an individual ALLOWS Jesus to be His King, the fact remains that He is THE King. The Earth is His and He can certainly use it to get His point across.
Jer 6:10 "To whom can I speak and give warning? Who will listen to me? Their ears are closed so they cannot hear. The word of the Lord is offensive to them; they find no pleasure in it."
Zech 7:11-13 "But they refused to pay attention; stubbornly they turned their backs and stopped up their ears. They made their hearts as hard as flint and would not listen... So the Lord Almighty was very angry. "When I called, they did not listen; so when they called, I would not listen,' says the Lord Almighty."
A desire to hear from God is one thing. Obedience is quite another. Obedience is the response that keeps the dialogue going. If we refuse to do what God tells us in the little things, we risk deafening our spiritual ears.
1 Sam 15:22 "Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings much as in obeying the voice of the Lord? To obey is better than sacrifice..." (Mat 21:28-31)
One way to, in effect, "practice" hearing from God is simply DO what we see Jesus teaching us in Scripture. Perhaps if we get good at doing THAT, He might trust us with direct orders from headquarters.
James 1:22 "Do not merely listen to the Word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says."
What we often forget is that Jesus is the King of this Kingdom. The "letters in red" that we read within the New Testament are not merely suggestions - they are the decrees of a King and they MUST be obeyed. They aren't optional. Yet, time and again, well-meaning Christians override His teaching with man made doctrines and dogmas and traditions. Jesus said in Matthew 15:6 (AMP), "So for the sake of your tradition (the rules handed down by your forefathers), you have set aside the Word of God [depriving it of force and authority and making it of no effect]."
Our purpose must be to truly obey the Lord in every area of our lives. If this really is your purpose, you only need to know the will of God in order to consent to it. His will is right there, found within the pages of the Bible. Surely, we cannot doubt God's willingness to make His will known and to guide His children down the right paths, can we? Let's get good at obeying the WRITTEN Word of God. The opportunities to obey His spoken words will come if and when your Father sees the need.
John 10:2-5 "The man who enters by the gate is the shepherd of his sheep. The watchman opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice. But they will never follow a stranger; in fact, they will run away from him because they do not recognize a stranger's voice."
Every blessing,

How To Discern When God Is Speaking To You

God wants to speak to you. This may seem highly unlikely, but it is so. Anyone can hear from the Creator of the Universe, if they will learn how to listen to Him and how He communicates with us.
God has always wanted to communicate with man. It is for this very purpose that He made us. He desired that we have and enjoy intimate fellowship and closeness with Him. He is delighted when we speak to Him and He is allowed to intervene in our daily affairs. Prayer is really inviting God into our lives, circumstances and situations. It is communing with Him. But prayer is us speaking to God. And, just as we would give our family and friends opportunities to speak back to us, even so the Lord wants to share His heart, wisdom and purpose with us as well.
God does speak. He is not an idol of wood or stone. He is a Person, a very real Person. He is God. He is an Intelligent God, the Most Intelligent Person in existence.
It is because of His desire for us to have a relationship and fellowship with Him, that He sent His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ to the cross. Because He wanted to be a part of our lives, He allowed His Son to suffer and die in our stead, raising Him from the dead, in order that through His blood, we can have access into His very Presence, His Throne Room, where we can enjoy rich, real and exciting communion with Him and He with us, without the blockage of sin.
This fellowship, of which I speak, is not one-sided. It is not just my speaking with Him. It is communing with Him, yes, my speaking with Him, but also, my listening as He speaks with me, imparting to me His Wisdom, understanding, knowledge and power, favor and blessing.
God wants to speak with man. And He has been attempting to do so for a long time. However, many have not yet learnt how to distinguish His Voice from the many other voices that clang for our attention.
I believe that many of us have heard God's leading and Voice before, but thought it was just s hunch or maybe just our minds. God is always speaking.
Those of us who have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior have heard His Voice. How do I know this, you may ask? Because Jesus Himself said that no one can come to Him unless the Father draws him.
John 6:44
"No man can come to Me, except the Father which hath sent Me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day."
This settles it then. You have heard the Voice of God moving you to give your life to Jesus and you said yes. I know a preacher may have been preaching or someone may have shared Christ with you, or maybe you were watching Christian television or maybe you read a tract or a book about Jesus and your need of Him. Maybe you saw someone who claimed to be a Christian, living the life, and it brought you under conviction to the fact that you needed Jesus. But please listen to me and discern this truth. Regardless of who you heard the Gospel through, it was God Himself, by His Holy Spirit, Who actually showed and revealed to you your need of Jesus. He showed you your state before Him and He inspired you to give your heart to Christ. You came to Him because you heard that tender and sweet Voice, down in your spirit drawing you, prompting you, loving you.
Some of us may have even attempted to run away from the preacher, but even when we were alone or with friends, trying to drown out that indefinable something, His Voice was still there tugging at our hearts, showing us His love and our need for Jesus Christ, His Son. God drew us to Himself. So we heard His Voice and we responded.
Now that we are saved, we need to learn how to discern His Voice more and more, for He is always speaking with us, especially if we are acknowledging Him in all of our ways. He promised in His Word to direct our paths and He is ever faithful to His Word. (Proverbs 3:5-6)
If we are talking to Him, He is really answering us. But, how can we discern His answers? We must know His Voice.
The Voice of God is very discernible. We can know our His Voice with absolute certainty and, provided that we do our part, we will experience our His guidance and wisdom in continually, as He leads us more and more into His Divine Purpose for our lives.
First, let me make it absolutely clear when I say that the sure way to learn the Voice of God is through the Written Word of God. This vital point must be made over and over again, until we understand that God's Word, His Written Word, the BIBLE, is God speaking to us. It is His Word. So His Word is His Voice. And if I feed constantly upon His Word, I will have little or no problem discerning the Voice of God for His Word and His Voice are One.
Whatever God's Word, (the Bible) says, is what God is saying. God's main way of leading us is through His Word. He will never lead us contrary to His Word. And any other manner which He chooses to further lead us by will be in line with His Written and Revealed Word, The Bible, or it is not Jehovah God who is leading us. So any leadership of the Spirit that we claim to have receive, regardless of its avenue, whether by vision, dream, premonition, prophecy, or whatever, if it contradicts the Written Word of God, The Holy Scriptures, it is not God. Let this truth be settled in your consciousness and it will keep you from untold frustration and error. The Spirit of God, the Spirit of Truth, leads and guides us with truth, into all truth. The Word of God is truth. (John 16:13, John 17:17, Psalms 119:105, 130)
God does use other means to guide us as well, but once again I must remind you that when He speaks, it will never contradict His Written Word, never.
In addition to visions and dreams, here is another way and probably the usual way that He leads us on a daily basis, if we learn to listen to Him.
According to the Written Word of God, we must also learn how the Spirit of God leads us through the inward witness of the Spirit.
Please look at the following passage of Scripture:
Romans 8: 14-17 (The Bible)
"For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. The Spirit itself (Himself) beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: and if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with Him, that we may be also glorified together."
How do we know that we are the children of God? We cannot discern the fact that we are saved by our feelings, because feelings change, don't they? And to be real honest about it, I know I am saved, but I don't always feel like I am. Am I the only one?
Yet, even though I may not always feel saved, I know that I am. How, you may ask? Because of the inward witness of the Spirit, the Holy Spirit bearing witness with my born from above, recreated, regenerated spirit that I am a child of God.
Has anyone ever done something to upset you, and you wanted to react, or maybe you did react, and say things you should not have said or done some things you should not have done? What happened inside of you, when you got still? You sensed that something was wrong, did you not? Something within was troubling you, telling you that you are a child of God, you should not have said what you said or done what you did.
Of course your fleshly mind tried to convince you that you had every right to react in the manner that you did, because of what the other person did. You wanted to react, or maybe you did react, and say things you should not have said or done some things you should not have done? What happened inside of you, when you got still? You sensed that something was wrong, did you not? Something within was troubling you, telling you that you are a child of God, you should not have said what you said or done what you did.
Your mind said that they started it, and you had a right to defend yourself. Regardless, something on the inside, deep within was trying to point out to you that you did not respond the way a child of God is supposed to. This was the leadership of the Spirit. This was His Spirit bearing witness with your spirit that you are a child of God. And if you listened to His leading, you may have had to forgive the person who wronged you and ask them for forgiveness for reacting in the manner that you did.
Well, His Spirit bears witness with our spirits to lead us into all of the Will of God for our lives. He bears witness with our spirits concerning our inheritance in Christ Jesus. He deals with us in our spirits.
Proverbs 20:27
"The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord, searching all the inward parts of the belly."
Our spirits, born of the Holy Spirit, then sends the leadership of the Spirit over into our minds, to our consciousness, through the voice of our spirits, which is our conscience.
The Apostle Paul spoke of our conscience bearing us witness in the Holy Spirit. (Romans 9:1) Our spirits are within. The spirit is the inward man. Therefore, we must learn to spend time in the Presence of God, being still and listening for His leadership and guidance.
But hear me once again child of God. The Voice and witness of The Holy Spirit will never violate the Written Word of God. And if we will give ourselves continually to His Word, we will find ourselves discerning His Voice and witness more and more and with more and more accuracy.