The God Concept Is Not Something To Gloss Over, Especially Since We Are That Concept Essentially

Each one of us, I do believe, are a small part of God that makes up the whole God ultimately. Let me explain what I mean. We as conscious beings are each cellular part that makes up the full living God, God is not a being outside of us in any way, but we are all cellular parts of what God is. When we look in the mirror, we are looking at a small part of God. When we look at full existence, we are looking at God. The full God concept is the whole of existence, and God started out as an objective concept before starting out as anything else before the medium of creation. Some may argue that point with me, but from my point of view there is not much to argue, because that is a pretty accurate description in brief. But as you can tell this will be a pretty long and interesting article about this point, because this topic deserves that treatment.
So, to refute certain things outside of my point first of all: If God was dead, existence would not exist if my concept of God is accurate. Here, I am oversimplifying to get a point across, an honest point. There is something to everything, even the foolish, or it would not at least exist as a concept. Sure, I can say many things here, but I will make as broad "brush strokes" as possible to get my point across simply, yet accurately and logically. This will surprise you: But this article is not an attack on world religions or even an attempt at "cracker barrel" philosophy. This article is actually validating the genuine and real point of religion by logically and methodically exposing its logical philosophical core realities.
So, we have established two concepts, God is alive as every living being is a part of God and existence and has existed as a conceptual structure before it existed as existence proper. So, think of a giant oak tree laying inside an acorn. That acorn has the concept of an oak tree within it, but it has to evolve over years into that mighty oak tree. That is part of my point. The essential concept is to show the thread of concept that links it all, a God concept if you will.
Now, sure, I can use fancy language to describe the obvious, but honestly, making things too complex has no point. The best thing to do is bring it down to the lowest common denominator, which I am doing. The highest common denominator is not to question anything and accept things on "pure" irrational faith without going deeply into the questions and answers and realities and making assumptions without going deeper. Yes, the lowest and highest common denominator meanings are learned in math class in school or any basic math book. But I will still explain what I mean by those terms anyway. The lowest common denominator is the simplest solution. The highest common denominator is complex, "Rube Goldberg" cartoon style silliness that is not workable. That is what I mean by highest common denominator, not so much the math term where one million is the highest common denominator for so many numbers. Sure, I can be less balanced and reasoned about religion and philosophy and more emotional, but what good would it do? Nothing, which is why I am going to continue taking the road I am taking on this without "let up" of any sort. "You can put the boy in the jungle and the man is still in the jungle even when he has mastered and outgrown the jungle" so to speak. We all live in existence, no matter what, even when we have mastered it seemingly. God is a master, but God was like us once if I am right. Even the Christian holy book says that we were made in his image, and every holy book essentially echoes this reality right down to the Upanishads a few thousand years before the Christian holy book. My point is not debate, argument or polemic. Reality to be mastered needs to be fully understood and understood deeply. I could go on at least two hundred or three hundred more words, but I want you to think, and think deeply, especially about existence, reality and all related subjects for yourself as I do for myself.

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