God So Loved the World But Does He Still Love Me

This word is for those who really question the love of God. It is not that they question whether or not God loves at all, they just question in their heart, does God love me, or do I really love Him? We all do at times I think. As Christians we are tempted to think these thoughts. But why do they just seem to grip us at times? We can't seem to shake it off. We know better and still the thoughts persist. I think all of us would like to put the issue to rest once and for all.
Here is what we need to know. First of all we need to realize that we usually struggle the most with these kinds of thoughts after a moral failure. So let me ask you this. Why does sinning bother you so much? Sin doesn't seem to bother everybody. We want to be perfect, never make mistakes, always doing and saying the right thing. It hurts to think we failed Jesus. If this is you, if this is hitting home, then I know something about you.
I know something about you, that I am convinced of, not even knowing who you are! What do I know? I know that you do love Jesus. Why? Because people who do not love Him, and are not interested in Him, are never concerned with failing Him. The thing that is hurting is the love in your heart for Him. The only one ever truly tempted to question, does God still love me, is someone who has a deep love for God. You cannot hurt a heart that does not care. Therefore we know we are loved. Doesn't the Bible say that we love Him because He first loved us? The love in us was initiated by the love He first has for us. The only reason there is a love for Jesus in my heart, is that there was a love for me in His heart first.
I know you know this. It has just been hard to trust in it. It can get that way at times, but really only for those who really love Him. If you are questioning in your heart, does God still love me, let me say in no uncertain terms. Yes He does, He most certainly does, and you love Him as well. How do I know? Because it hurts you to think that He may not.

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