Knowing God Part 2 - Finding God Within Your Believing

We are going to do that now, so that you can have this experience of finding God, and of God finding you in your faith believing. Then, when you have found God and you know God is touching you, you can have other experiences where you can simply be still in the presence of God; or when you can be filled with God; you can be at rest in God; or, you can be very active and preaching and shouting in God; or you can even be like that man who just sat in God and gave only scant attention to the world.
There are two ways that God touches us. With the Holy Spirit he makes us into the sail of a boat and he blows into us-whoosh!-and moves us, and we are moved by the Holy Spirit and the giftings of the Holy Spirit are moved in us. When God does this we become footwashers, servants, movers and shakers in the kingdom of heaven. We change things, and we change them by God's power.
But then God moves us in another way also. He fills us like a bottle and we are not moving. We are completely still and we are filled in Him. If we open our eyes and we look at the world, all of God is looking through us and we are at rest in God.
So God gives us these two ways to be in him, and they are both complimentary of each other: rest, and movement; tranquility, and activity; pure worship in rapture, and pure work in the world of things and people.
If we want to do a mission, first we must come into rest. We are like Jesus who comes away from the people to be with the Father- and he might come away from them for several days at a time.
It might take a few days for him just to settle down into being at peace with God; to move away from being so active in God; and to let his body and his mind just settle down into the rest of God. When he is in the rest of God, then he is able to speak to God and they can together develop a plan.
And you are going to do this now. You are going to think of something that you want to do, or something that you want to have just in your human self. Then we are going to let God come and touch that so then your program also becomes God's program. When your program has become God's program, faith comes alive in that and it then becomes the mustard seed.
When it becomes the mustard seed you are starting to do the will of God. You and God are working this together in a strategic partnership.
The world might try and come against you as you live out whatever it was that you and God planned to do together, but because you have developed this program in faith you have the power of God to protect you as you move through it in actual living. The perfection of God's love will always succeed-and God's mustard seed is a seed of the Father's perfect love.
Once we see these kinds of outcomes in our lives, then we start to see the ministry of Jesus differently. We see that from the time of his baptism he is drawing people in to know God so that they can have the power to make a program with God. When we are making programs in our heart with God and we are living out those programs, we become perfect. And that fulfills the highest value in the holy bible.
If you go to your bible and have a look at Matthew chapter 5, verse 48, you'll see there that Jesus is saying,
"You therefore must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect."
Jesus can say that because he is perfect as the heavenly Father is perfect. But what is the way to be perfect? That's the burning question in our hearts today: how to be spiritually perfect; and how to find ways to help others to be spiritually perfect like God.
Come into your heart in your faith and develop a program. Let God touch your believing in that program and then live out that program. Then you will find even if you are a young person or old person, boy or girl, you will find that perfection will start to operate in your life. Now you are on the road like Enoch and Elijah and Jesus.
If you do that one time today, you will have this moment of perfection. God will touch you and you will be with God. If you do this two times next week, you will have these two times of perfection. If you do this ten times over the next month, you will have all those times of perfection to your credit.
As we practice in our hearts, making programs with God, we become perfect, and we learn to take God's perfection into more and more places in our lives until we have gone into all of the places in our lives that have the potential to make us perfect.
At that point we come to the place where God can say to us, too, "This is my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased."
So, let us do this now. Let's look now into the Scripture at Matthew chapter 18, verse 18 through 20 in your Bible. We see a special formula here from Jesus. He says,
"Truly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them."
To bind something here on the earth means to stop something from happening. We stop it happening by heaven's power to stop things happening.
To loose something here on the earth is to create some new thing here on the earth. We create that new thing with heaven's power to create it. An example of that is heaven's power to create the mustard seed into a mustard tree. The plants grow not by the earth's power, but by heaven's power creating them.
So I am asking you to think of something that you want to do, or something that you want to have. It will probably be something that you want to loose here in the earth and if God touches your desire, then God turns that into a heavenly empowered seed and our Father will make it happen by heavenly power.
Turn to Mark chapter 11 and to verse 24. In English we see here,
"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours."
This is what you are going to do. Remember, you are wanting to find God, and one of the ways that Jesus lets us find God is by losing something here in the earth. This is what's going to happen. I am wanting something. Let's say, "I want to build a big church here and it has electricity, water, a concrete floor, plenty of chairs, a good roof, and plenty of shade." Let's just think, "This is what I want."
Jesus says, "If you believe you have received that thing you just thought of, it will be done for you."
If you believe that God has loosed it in heaven for you, then it will arrive here in the earth for you. Then the people will come together and we will find, "Oh, that church you dreamed of back then, it's starting to be built now."
"So now, I am going to get one friend and tell that person what it is that I am believing for. Then I am going to believe that God has given this to me," and my friend is going to believe that God has already released that for me also. We are both believing that God has given this thing to me.
Together, with myself and my friend both believing that I am receiving this thing from God, we are going to keep believing until God invades our believing.
When God invades our believing, we will know God and we will know him in our faith, amen? And he will touch our believing and turn it into his seed and we will feel him do that.
Then we can stand up and say, "Praise God! he has touched my believing!"
And you can speak to him, "My Father, you have touched my believing," and you are in the direct presence of God.
At that moment, he is holding you and you are holding him, and you know that he is touching your faith and he is filling your mind and his blessing is pouring into you.
At that moment, in your heart you know, "Yes, this is God."
It is more important to find God than to even do the works of God. To do the works of God without ever having found God is to put things backwards.
But let's do this now. You are going to tell your friend, "This is what I am believing for."
Then the two of you now can start believing that God has now done that for you, and you will quietly keep believing until God enters into your believing. Then, when that has happened, your friend will also know that God has entered into his or her believing for you. You will both have God's confirmation.
Okay, let's begin.
Heavenly Father, you have heard my Word and you have sent me here into this place, Lord. I pray now in Jesus' name that you will honor your Word, Lord, and you will enter into their believing and you will release the heavenly power to make their desire loosed here in the world. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Now you can begin-the first person and then second person. It should only take a few minutes per person, but take as much time as you need.
God has put his power into your believing. He has put his power into your believing in the same way as he put his power into Jesus' believing. God is no respecter or persons, amen? God will honor all faith, amen? We cannot please God unless we are using faith. Amen?
And so, what God the Father has done with Jesus Christ, he is doing now with you also. He has touched your faith and he has touched Jesus' faith-it is the same faith.
Therefore, now you should remember what you have desired and what God has touched. Remember it in your mind. Remember it in your heart. Write it in your bible: "Today the Father's perfect love has touched this particular desire in my heart, and because he has turned it into a divine seed, it will happen. Not only that, for a moment I knew God intimately, and I savoured his presence and his perfect love."
Then when it happens, when this thing comes into your life, come back to your bible and you can write underneath what you just wrote: "Yes, it has happened now! According to my bible faith and God's promise to touch my faith, and by his perfect love by faith I planted my seed and it has now produced its crop, and I have this thing for which God and I made the program."
When you do this in your moment of prayer, let God touch you. When God can touch you, you can know His presence. When you stretch that time together out into a little meditation, in this way you can know God.